Batten Down the Hatches — Stefana Fratila (r)
Batten Down the Hatches — Stefana Fratila (r)
Batten Down the Hatches — Stefana Fratila (r)
Batten Down the Hatches — Stefana Fratila (r)
Batten Down the Hatches — Stefana Fratila (r)

Fandango Invites | Unda Festival

With Fandango

Fandango invites DJs & collectives involved in unda festival's OHM weekend. With DJs from Fandango's Aquarium project & emerging collective Undercloud performing live DJ mixes.Later parts of the show feature insights and lineup announcements for unda festival. Then, an open call track submission segment to finish, with tracks and notes from the Aquarium community.

